Aetna Retirees Association,  Aetna's promise of benefits to former Aetna employees

Contact ARA

We welcome hearing from retirees from Aetna and invite you to contact us either via the address above or through the email below. If you wish to talk to one or more of those listed below, email them providing your telephone number and times most convenient for you to receive their call.

Please send my message to:
ARA Chairman
ARA President
"Letters to the Editor" (and comments to the editor of ARA News)
Membership Coordinator  –  Includes changes in members' profiles (e.g., email addresses). For enrollment or renewal, see Membership page.
Shareholder Proposal Coordinator
Webmaster  –  For website errors, corrections & suggested improvements

Last Name First Name
Phone:          -   - 
Please Contact me via:
General Comments: